GARR Conference 2022
18-20 may 2022 - Palermo

CondiVisioni |
Shared visions
The network as a tool for building the future
The 2022 edition of the GARR Conference focuses on the new challenges faced by the research community, which can only be addressed with a collaborative and open approach.
Live streaming
In order to navigate in an increasingly complex and changing reality, there is a need for shared knowledge, brought together through a network of data and people dedicated to research, innovation and creativity. It is thus crucial to ensure global connections and access to tools for the creation of knowledge, as well as for the transfer of results from research to society.
The annual GARR Conference is dedicated to networking professionals and researchers who use the network and services on a daily basis. The conference features experts in digital technologies to support science and culture, to present the best national and international experiences and outline the scenarios that await us in the next few years.
The conference will take place from 18 to 20 May and in the previous days the programme will be completed with training courses on some of the themes most requested by the community
GARR Training Courses
During the conference GARR has organised training courses (in Italian) on:
Raccontare i dati
Data: 16 maggio 2022 dalle 14.30 alle 17.30
Sede: campus universitario di viale delle Scienze (edificio 19 - aula 12), Palermo
Docente: Vincenzo Baraniello
GDPR e dintorni: la data protection nella ricerca scientifica
Data: 17 maggio 2022 dalle 10.00 alle 13.00
Sede: campus universitario di viale delle Scienze (edificio 19 - aula 12), Palermo
Docente: Raffaele Conte
Minacce informatiche
Data: 17 maggio 2022 dalle 14.30 alle 17.30
Sede: Campus universitario di viale delle Scienze (edificio 19 - aula 12), Palermo
Docente: Michele Pinassi