GARR Workshop 2021


The 2021 edition of GARR Workshop is online from 8 to 12 November. This technical workshop is an important meeting for networking experts in the research and education sectors: an opportunity for professional updating but also for discussion and comparison on the hottest topics of the moment.

The event program of the event, mostly in Italian, will be divided into morning sessions dedicated to industry experts to talk about the issues that most passionate our community. The main focus will be on the new GARR-T network, but we will also present the new models of research networks and infrastructures: from scientific computing to Quantum communication.
There will be space for the most innovative network services and applications, and we will discuss about the most important issues in the field of cybersecurity and digital identity. A session will also be dedicated to the cloud technology and digital sovereignty, with distinguished guests who are among the main protagonists of technological innovation in Italy.


Alberto Colla



Moderatore di sessione


Alberto Colla


Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Fisica presso l'Università di Torino. Dal 2005 al 2008 ha ricoperto la posizione di Fellow nell'ambito dell'esperimento ALICE al CERN, dove ha lavorato all'integrazione del software di analisi dei dati ALICE nell'ambiente Grid. Dal 2008 al 2014 ha lavorato all'Università La Sapienza di Roma all'esperimento Virgo. È stato amministratore della computing farm del gruppo Virgo e si è impegnato in diverse attività relative alla gestione dei dati e del data workload degli esperimenti VIRGO e LIGO. Dal 2014 è membro del dipartimento CSD (Distributed Storage and Computing) di GARR. È coinvolto nella progettazione, nell'allestimento e nella gestione del GARR Federated Cloud, distribuito geograficamente, basato sulla piattaforma OpenStack.

He graduated with a PhD in Physics at the University of Turin. From 2005 to 2008 he was Fellow in the ALICE experiment at CERN, where he worked on the integration of ALICE data analysis software in the Grid environment. From 2008 to 2014 he worked at La Sapienza University of Rome on the Virgo experiment. He was administrator of the Virgo group's computing farm and was committed to various activities related to data management and data workload of the VIRGO and LIGO experiments. Since 2014 he has been a member of GARR's CSD (Distributed Storage and Computing) department. He is involved in the design, set-up and management of the GARR Federated Cloud, geographically distributed, based on the OpenStack platform.