Giovanni Ponti
Comitato di programma

Giovanni Ponti è direttore della Divisione ICT dell'ENEA e membro del CTS del GARR. PhD in Ingegneria Informatica nel 2010 (Università della Calabria) concentrandosi sulla modellazione dei dati e gli algoritmi di data mining. Ricercatore ENEA per 12 anni con attività di ricerca nell’HPC, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Big Data e Data Analytics. Campi nei quali è stato autore di prestigiose pubblicazioni scientifiche, membro del comitato di programma di conferenze e revisore per importanti riviste e convegni.
Giovanni Ponti is the Director of ICT Division of ENEA. He is Member of the Technical and Scientific Committee at GARR Consortium.
He received his PhD in Computer Engineering from the University of Calabria (Italy), in 2010, focusing on information and knowledge extraction from complex data, with particular interest in data modeling and data mining algorithms. He was a researcher in ENEA for 12 years, in staff at the ICT division, and his main task fall into the HPC field, and his research activities concerned in Data Science, Cloud Computing, Big Data, and Data Analytics. His research has been published in premier venue and he has also been part of the program committee of premier data-mining/machine-learning conferences. In this field, he has served as a reviewer for leading journals and conferences.