Paola Gargiulo
- Italian Open Science Group
È stata responsabile del National Open Access Desk per l’Italia dei progetti OpenAire (2009-2011) e OpenAirePlus (2012-2014) e del progetto OpenAIRE 2020 (2015-2018). Ha inoltre coordinato la partecipazione italiana al progetto europeo MedOAnet (2011-2013).Relatore a convegni su temi relativi all'accesso aperto alla comunicazione accademica e scientifica in Italia e all'estero, membro del GL sull’ OA del CRUI Library Committee (2006 - 2013), del WG sull’OA dell'EAA- European University Association (2007-2008) membro del gruppo di lavoro di SCOAP3 (2007-2009) , è stato membro del Governing Council di SCOAP3 (2014 – 2016. E’ stato membro del Direttivo di SPARC Europe (Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition) dal 2009 al 2012 e attualmente fa parte del Direttivo di AISA - Associazione Italiana per la promozione della Scienza Aperta (2015-). Dal 2016 coordina IOSSG, Italian Open Science Support Group.
She was in charge of the National Open Access Desk for Italy for the OpenAire (2009-2011), OpenAirePlus (2012-2014) and OpenAIRE 2020 (2015-2018) projects. She also coordinated the Italian participation in the European MedOAnet project (2011-2013).
Speaker at conferences on topics related to open access to academic and scientific communication in Italy and abroad, member of the GL on the OA of the CRUI Library Committee (2006 - 2013), of the WG on the OAA of the EAA European University Association (2007-2008) and of the SCOAP3 working group (2007-2009), she was a member of the Governing Council of SCOAP3 (2014 – 2016). She was a member of the Board of SPARC Europe (Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition) from 2009 to 2012 and is currently part of the AISA Direction - Italian Association for the promotion of Open Science (2015-). From 2016 he coordinates IOSSG, Italian Open Science Support Group.