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Connecting the future    

GARR Conference is the annual meeting of users, operators and managers of the Italian national education and research network aimed at sharing experiences and comments on the use of the network as a tool for research, training and culture, in different contexts and disciplines.

GARR Conference 2019 - Video



At the hearth of this years’ conferenceare the new IT challenges in multidisciplinary research: from cybersecurity to artificial intelligence, from data preservation to their reuse, from education to open science.

These are topics of interest for the many communities that are part of the GARR network and are becoming more and more interlinked and multidisciplinary. The conference will be an opportunity to present success stories of innovation and topics for discussion for the world of academia, research, education, health and humanities.

6 giugno 2019

Luigi Asprino


Analisi dei Domini della Conoscenza che Emergono dai Linked Open Data

Luigi Asprino è un Assistente di Ricerca presso l'Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Nel 2019 ha conseguito un dottorato in Computer Science and Engineering presso l'Università di Bologna. I suoi interessi di ricerca riguardano l'Intelligenza Artificiale e l'Informatica, in particolare Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Natural Language Processing e Machine Learning.

Luigi Asprino is a research assistant at the Institute of Cognitive Science and Technologies of National Research Council in Italy. He received a PhD in Computer Science and Engineering in 2019 from the University of Bologna. His research interests include Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Natural Language Processing e Machine Learning.

SESSIONE 9. Open data e accesso ai dati

Analisi dei Domini della Conoscenza che Emergono dai Linked Open Data

L'obiettivo del Semantic Web è creare una rete che permetta alle applicazioni di scambiare dati attraverso una sintassi ed una semantica condivisa. In letteratura diversi esempi di lavori mirati a valutare come i linguaggi formali definiti per il Semantic Web sono usati nella pratica, tuttavia solo pochi lavori hanno studiato l'uso effettivo dei linguaggi formali nei vari domini di conoscenza. In questo articolo presentiamo un approccio per analizzare il Semantic Web per dominio di conoscenza che fa uso di tecniche di Topic Modeling e Natural Language Processing

Analysing Knowledge Domains that Emerge from Linked Open Data

The aim of the Semantic Web initiative is to create a Web in which data is represented through symbols with a shared syntax and formal semantics. Several analyses have sought to investigate how these formal languages are used in practice, but very few of them analysed the Semantic Web per knowledge domain. In this paper we present a novel approach for analysing Semantic Web per knowledge domain in bottom-up fashion leveraging on topic modeling and natural language processing techniques.



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