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Connecting the future    

GARR Conference is the annual meeting of users, operators and managers of the Italian national education and research network aimed at sharing experiences and comments on the use of the network as a tool for research, training and culture, in different contexts and disciplines.

GARR Conference 2019 - Video



At the hearth of this years’ conferenceare the new IT challenges in multidisciplinary research: from cybersecurity to artificial intelligence, from data preservation to their reuse, from education to open science.

These are topics of interest for the many communities that are part of the GARR network and are becoming more and more interlinked and multidisciplinary. The conference will be an opportunity to present success stories of innovation and topics for discussion for the world of academia, research, education, health and humanities.

4 giugno 2019

Claudia Lanza

Università della Calabria

Costruzione di un vocabolario controllato per la terminologia sulla Cybersecurity

Dottoranda in ICT presso l’Università della Calabria, Dipartimento DIMES, dal 2017. Ha compiuto gli studi specialistici a Milano presso l’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in "Scienze del linguaggio, terminologie e tipologie dei testi" dove si è laureata nel 2016. Attualmente è PhD Visiting fino al 2020 presso l’Université de Nantes, Laboratoire LS2N, all’interno del gruppo TALN (Traitement automatique du langage naturel). Il suo campo di ricerca comprende lo sviluppo di risorse per l’organizzazione e rappresentazione di lessici specialistici. In particolar modo, le aree di investigazione riguardano la costruzione di risorse semantiche come thesauri e ontologie e lo studio di metodi di linguistica computazionale per l’automatizzazione di operazioni semantiche.

PhD Student in ICT at University of Calabria, DIMES department, from 2017. Last Master Degree in 2016 was in "Sciences of Language, Terminology and Textual typologies" at University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. Currently she is PhD Visiting until 2020 at Université de Nantes, Laboratoire LS2N, within TALN group (Traitement automatique du langage naturel). Her research interests are linked to the development of knowledge organization and representation resources for specialized lexicons. In particular, the scope of her activities is referred to the construction semantic resources like thesauri and ontologies and to the study of computational linguistics methodologies aims at automatizing semantic operations.

SESSIONE 3. Cybersecurity

Thesaurus italiano per la Cybersecurity

Si presenterà la realizzazione di un primo prototipo di vocabolario di termini controllato, un thesaurus, in lingua italiana per la sicurezza informatica. L’obiettivo principale è quello di fornire una risorsa in grado di comprendere quanta più informazione autorevole sul mondo della sicurezza informatica nonché offrire una piattaforma che possa far meglio comprendere le interconnessioni terminologiche proprie di questo lessico specialistico sia agli utenti esperti che comuni.

Italian Thesaurus for Cybersecurity

A development of a first draft of an Italian thesaurus for Cybersecurity will be presented. The main objective is to provide a resource that can include as much authoritative information of Cybersecurity domain as possible, and to make available to experts of the domain as well as to common users an interactive platform able to clarify the terminological interconnections which are typical of this specicialized lexicon.



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