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Connecting the future    

GARR Conference is the annual meeting of users, operators and managers of the Italian national education and research network aimed at sharing experiences and comments on the use of the network as a tool for research, training and culture, in different contexts and disciplines.

GARR Conference 2019 - Video



At the hearth of this years’ conferenceare the new IT challenges in multidisciplinary research: from cybersecurity to artificial intelligence, from data preservation to their reuse, from education to open science.

These are topics of interest for the many communities that are part of the GARR network and are becoming more and more interlinked and multidisciplinary. The conference will be an opportunity to present success stories of innovation and topics for discussion for the world of academia, research, education, health and humanities.

5 giugno 2019

Eliane Fankhauser

DANS - Data Archiving and Networked Services

How certifications can be made following the guidelines of the FAIRsFAIR project

Eliane Fankhauser ha conseguito il Master in musicologia all'Università di Utrecht (2013) e il dottorato in musica polifonica nei Paesi Bassi nel tardo Medioevo all'Università di Utrecht (2018). A KNAW-DANS è project manager e in questo ruolo attualmente lavora nel progetto FAIRsFAIR. Nel 2018, è stata coordinatrice della raccolta della storia orale nel repository EASY. Insieme a una piccola squadra, inoltre, sta lavorando a una checklist FAIR per aiutare i ricercatori per misurare e valutare la FAIR dei dati.

Eliane Fankhauser received her MA in musicology from Utrecht University (2013) and her PhD about polyphonic music in the Netherlands in the late Middle Ages from Utrecht University (2018). At KNAW-DANS she is a project manager in the role of which she currently works in the FAIRsFAIR project. In 2018, she was the coordinator of the Oral History collection in the EASY repository. Together with a small team, moreover, she is working on a FAIR checklist for researchers to measure and evaluate the FAIRness of data.

SESSIONE 6. EOSC and Go for FAIR: research data and infrastructures



Main Sponsor
