Call for papers
Call for papers
GARR Conference 2023
Interconnected knowledge. Infrastructure for high-performance science
Users, operators, and managers of the Italian national education and research network meet annually at the GARR Conference to discuss and share ideas on how to use the network as a tool for research, educations, and culture across a variety of fields.
Main focus of this edition is the interconnection of knowledge. The world of research and education is gearing up for an extraordinary season filled with exciting and demanding challenges, thanks in part to the NRRP investments, and is in greater need than ever of interdisciplinary exchange and advanced skills to exploit and operate digital services to the best of their abilities.
In this context, it is important to create research infrastructures to support the activities that regularly handle vast amounts of data and demand high performance for their processing, transmission, and storage.
For three days, the GARR Conference will thus provide an opportunity to discuss the most pressing issues concerning the development of digital infrastructure and their most innovative application.
Keynote speakers from the field will discuss the future of the network and cloud platforms, about research infrastructure - particularly in the context of the new NRRP projects, and AI and its profound impact it can have in the research and education sectors. In addition, topics such as data management and sharing, cybersecurity, digital innovation and much more will be covered.
Participants will be able to immerse themselves in a cross-disciplinary environment, with a network of people eager to share successful experiences in the areas of scientific and biomedical research, education, cultural heritage, art and music.
We announce the opening of a call for papers with specific reference to:
- Use of network infrastructures and services
- Strategies and policies for the development of e-infrastructures
- Data and service access and interoperability
- ICT services for Research Infrastructures
- Training, education and technology transfer

Papers from the following domains can be accepted:
scientific research, biomedical research, arts and humanities, school and education.
The following is a (non-exhaustive) list of topics of interest for submissions:
- Cybersecurity
- Cloud
- Internet of Things
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine e Deep Learning
- Big data e Smart Data
- Digital twin
- Sustainable ICT
- Digital identities
- Data interoperabiliy
- Data management
- Long Term Preservation e accessibilità dei dati
- Open Science e FAIR Data
- Biomedical research data
- Agritech
- Climate, environment and ICT
- Energy and ICT
- Smart city and communities
- Industry 4.0 and relationship between research and industry
- Digital education
- Artistic and musical training
- Enhancement of cultural heritage
- Promotion of digital awareness of citizens

Submission Guidelines
Contributions, in the form of extended abstracts in Italian or English, shall be between 1 and 3 pages long (i.e. 2.500-9.000 characters including spaces), plus, optionally, multimedia attachments (pictures, sounds, videos, etc.) Proposals shall be sent solely in digital version. To submit your contribution, please use the'online form
Any multimedia files must be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. referring to the title of the proposed contribution.
Contributions will be evaluated by the Programme Committee and authors will be notified of the results. In case of acceptance, authors will be required to send their presentation in advance, following the instructions provided in the notification of acceptance and on the conference website.
Important! Papers shall address one or more of the conference themes as identified in the call:
- Use of network infrastructures and services
- Strategies and policies for the development of e-infrastructures
- Data and service access and interoperability
- ICT services for Research Infrastructures
- Training, education and technology transfer
The relevance to at least one of these points is one of the evaluation criteria against which the papers will be evaluated, together with quality and innovative potential.
The authors of selected works will be invited to send an extended paper, that will be published by Consortium GARR in a publication identified by ISBN and DOI codes. Contributing the paper is not mandatory and authors can decide to publish or not.This edition will be published under the Creative Commons license CC-BY.