Fabio Castelli
- Università di Firenze
- https://www.unifi.it/

Verso un gemello digitale dei rischi idrogeologici in Italia
Fabio Castelli, Ph.D., is Professor of Hydrology and Hydraulic Constructions at the University of Firenze since 1998. His first faculty position was at the University of Perugia, and he has bee also appointed as Research Affiliate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He recently served as Dean of Engineering at UNIFI and he is now chairing the IT Service Center. He is member of AGU, EGU, IAHR, Associate to the UNESCO Chair on the Prevention and Sustainable Management of Geo-Hydrological Hazards. He has been PI of several public-funded projects on flood forecasting systems and flood risk management, with particular focus on preservation of cultural heritage. His collaborations extended to World Bank and UN agencies, with disasters risk reduction projects in the Balkans and Sub-Saharan Africa. He published above 70 journal peer-reviewed papers and over 100 conference proceedings and communications on a wide range of topics in hydrology and water resources management.
Fabio Castelli, Ph.D., is Professor of Hydrology and Hydraulic Constructions at the University of Firenze since 1998. His first faculty position was at the University of Perugia, and he has bee also appointed as Research Affiliate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He recently served as Dean of Engineering at UNIFI and he is now chairing the IT Service Center. He is member of AGU, EGU, IAHR, Associate to the UNESCO Chair on the Prevention and Sustainable Management of Geo-Hydrological Hazards. He has been PI of several public-funded projects on flood forecasting systems and flood risk management, with particular focus on preservation of cultural heritage. His collaborations extended to World Bank and UN agencies, with disasters risk reduction projects in the Balkans and Sub-Saharan Africa. He published above 70 journal peer-reviewed papers and over 100 conference proceedings and communications on a wide range of topics in hydrology and water resources management.
Verso un gemello digitale dei rischi idrogeologici in Italia
Toward a digital twin of geo-hydrologic risk in Italy
I recenti eventi evidenziano la fragilità del cosiddetto ‘ultimo miglio’ nella difesa dai rischi idrogeologici: cosa avviene e come si governa la risposta delle comunità e delle particolarità del territorio nelle conseguenze dei cambiamenti climatici. È quindi urgente la realizzazione di un gemello digitale dei rischi idrogeologici, per anticipare le complesse interazioni fra rischio e sostenibilità, senza soluzione di continuità fra le forzanti di grande scala e le condizioni locali. In complemento con gemelli digitali a scala globale e continentale, il gemello che si svilupperà nell’ambito del progetto PNRR-PE3-RETURN si baserà su un approccio bottom-up, in grado di federare su una piattaforma di servizio un'ampia rete di competenze tematiche e modellistiche (ingegneria, geoscienze, clima, ..) e di profonde conoscenze delle specificità locali. Verranno risolte le singolarità del territorio e delle infrastrutture che regolano la risposta in termini di vulnerabilità e resilienza. Verranno rese disponibili informazioni sullo stato dei sistemi idrologici e sulla previsione della loro evoluzione, per esigenze che spaziano dalla difesa del suolo e delle coste alla salvaguardia della qualità dei copri idrici, dalla protezione civile alla pianificazione del territorio e alla sicurezza idrica e ambientale. Si baserà su un’architettura scalabile in modo da poter ospitare in futuro dati, conoscenze e modelli utili anche ad altri tipi di rischio sul territorio, dagli incendi ai sismi.
Recent events highlight the fragility of the so-called 'last mile' in the defense against geo-hydrological risks: what happens and how to govern the response of communities and the particularities of the territory in the consequences of climate change. Therefore, the creation of a digital twin of geo-hydrological risks is urgently needed, to anticipate the complex interactions between risk and sustainability, seamlessly between large-scale forcings and local conditions. Complementing digital twins on a global and continental scale, the twin that will be developed within the PNRR-PE3-RETURN project will be based on a bottom-up approach, capable of federating a broad network of expertise on a service platform themes and modeling (engineering, geosciences, climate, ..) and deep knowledge of local specificities. The singularities of the territory and of the infrastructures that regulate the response in terms of vulnerability and resilience will be resolved. Information will be made available on the state of hydrological systems and on the forecast of their evolution, for needs ranging from soil and coast defense to safeguarding the quality of water covers, from civil protection to land use planning and water and environmental safety. It will be based on a scalable architecture so as to be able to host, in the future, data, knowledge and models that are also useful for other types of risks, from fires to earthquakes.