Emiliano degl'Innocenti

Emiliano Degl’Innocenti is researcher at National Research Council – CNR and National Coordinator of DARIAH-IT. He received his Laurea in Philosophy at Università di Firenze in 2002, and his Ph.D. in History of Philosophy at Istituto di Studi Umanistici of the University of Florence – Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane, in 2006.
Since 2002 he has been designing and directing several projects in the field of Digital Humanities, publishing scholarly databases, online repositories of digital texts and images, scientific datasets and tools (25 records between 2002-2016). Gradually his main focus became the design and management of Digital Infrastructures for Research in the Humanities, coordinating and directing large research teams both at national (MiBACT funded) and EU level (FP7, H2020) (6 records between 2010-2016). His publication records includes more than 100 book reviews, 4 Handbook entries, 10 papers in conference proceedings and journals, 2 edited volumes, 1 book and 1 chapter in book.
He has been invited to talk in more than 50 National and International Conferences on Digital Humanities (Europe, USA and Latin America). In 2006 he was appointed as Acting Head of the Digital Humanities and Multimedia Labs. at Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, and Fondazione Ezio Franceschini (Florence). Since 2008 he has been teaching Digital Humanities (Post Graduate Master courses) at the University of Lecce, Siena and Florence (MA and Ph.D. courses). He’s been visiting researcher at the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes (CNRS) and École Nationale des Chartes (Paris) and collaborated with several European and North American institutions (including the Barnard College – Columbia University, and the University at Buffalo, New York). He’s been scientific advisor for several ministerial working groups on Cultural Heritage Digitization Policies (for the GLAM sector) and invited expert for the IS1005 COST ACTION Medieval Studies and Technological Resources, appointed as responsible for the design of a Virtual Center for Medieval Studies.
He’s been (2012-2016) the coordinator for the Medieval Section of the Collaborative European Digital/Archival Infrastructure (CENDARI, Funded by FP7). In 2015 he’s been elected a member of the Executive Board of Digital Medievalist. Since 2015 he’s also the Communication Officer and responsible for the Coordination Office of DARIAH-IT. He is currently co-head of the DARIAH Working Group Medievalist’s Sources. Since April 2016 he’s a researcher at the Italian National Council for Research (CNR), working on the PARTHENOS project (Funded by H2020).
15 giugno 2023 | LO SPAZIO DEI DATI
H2IOSC: Building the Italian Open Science Cloud for Humanities and Heritage Research
H2IOSC: Building the Italian Open Science Cloud for Humanities and Heritage Research